Join Belmont Police Department
Job Postings
The Belmont Police Department currently has ONE opening and is currently looking for a full-time certified officer to fill this vacancy. The Belmont Police Department is an active, team work oriented and community involved organization looking for the perfect fit for our team.
If you are interested in applying to be a Belmont Police Officer, please download "Personal History Statement" under the "Resource Library - Download Forms" tab and hand deliver or mail to:
Sergeant Evan R. Boulanger
Belmont Police Department
PO Box 320
Belmont, New Hampshire 03220
BPD Oath
I am a keeper of the law. Entrusted to me is the honor of the badge.
I shall serve honestly, faithfully, and if need be, lay down my life as others have done before me, rather than steer from the path of duty.
It is my charge to obey the law and to enforce it without any consideration of class, color, creed or condition.
It is my duty to be of service to anyone who may be in danger or distress and at all times so conduct myself that the honor of the badge shall be upheld.