Dial 911 for
Emergencies Only
Emergency - 603-267-8350
Non-Emergency - 603-267-8351
16 Fuller Street
Belmont, NH 03220
Greater Laconia Crimeline
Chief Lewandoski
Chief Lewandoski

Admin Asst. Schultz
Admin Asst. Schultz

Sergeant Prosecutor Estes
Sergeant Prosecutor Estes

Administrative Services

The Administrative Services of the Belmont Police Department encompasses the Training Division, the Evidence Room, Prosecution and the Records Section of the Belmont Police Department and is under the direct supervision of the Chief of Police.

Training Division

This division is responsible for the training and documentation of all training that occurs within the police department. This is to include our extensive field training program for all of our recruits, new police officers and dispatchers as well as in-service training and firearms training for all of our employees.

Field Training Officers and instructors are employees who are technically proficient in their craft and have the ability and experience to convey that experience and information to new employees.

Evidence Room

The Evidence Room is managed by two officers called a Primary and Secondary Evidence Room Technicians. These two officers are responsible for the intake, processing and transfer of all evidence that enters and leaves the Belmont Police Station. These officers are also responsible for disposing, returning and destroying all evidence after the case has been disposed or the time for return has passed.


The Belmont Police Department has a prosecutor that handles all criminal and administrative hearings with the exception of juvenile offenders and one officer who is tasked solely for the prosecution of juvenile offenses. Sgt. David Estes, the department prosecutor handles all arraignments, trials and hearings held at the Laconia District Court and at administrative hearings at the Department of Motor Vehicles in Concord. He is also responsible for all Grand Jury hearings. Ofc. Richard Bryant, who is primarily assigned as the School Resource Officer, handles all juvenile matters both as delinquents and Child in Need of Services. (CHINS)


The Records Section of the department handles all report requests from attorneys, insurance companies, government entities and individuals. This section also handles pistol permits and applications for Hawker and Peddler Permits as well as Itinerant Vendor Permits.

You may obtain permit applications and record requests in person, Monday - Friday during normal business hours or download them from this web site. You may find out about Town of Belmont ordinances by visiting our forms page.